4 research outputs found

    Comparison of Distances for Supervised Segmentation of White Matter Tractography

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    Tractograms are mathematical representations of the main paths of axons within the white matter of the brain, from diffusion MRI data. Such representations are in the form of polylines, called streamlines, and one streamline approximates the common path of tens of thousands of axons. The analysis of tractograms is a task of interest in multiple fields, like neurosurgery and neurology. A basic building block of many pipelines of analysis is the definition of a distance function between streamlines. Multiple distance functions have been proposed in the literature, and different authors use different distances, usually without a specific reason other than invoking the "common practice". To this end, in this work we want to test such common practices, in order to obtain factual reasons for choosing one distance over another. For these reasons, in this work we compare many streamline distance functions available in the literature. We focus on the common task of automatic bundle segmentation and we adopt the recent approach of supervised segmentation from expert-based examples. Using the HCP dataset, we compare several distances obtaining guidelines on the choice of which distance function one should use for supervised bundle segmentation

    Anatomically-Informed Multiple Linear Assignment Problems for White Matter Bundle Segmentation

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    Segmenting white matter bundles from human tractograms is a task of interest for several applications. Current methods for bundle segmentation consider either only prior knowledge about the relative anatomical position of a bundle, or only its geometrical properties. Our aim is to improve the results of segmentation by proposing a method that takes into account information about both the underlying anatomy and the geometry of bundles at the same time. To achieve this goal, we extend a state-of-the-art example-based method based on the Linear Assignment Problem (LAP) by including prior anatomical information within the optimization process. The proposed method shows a significant improvement with respect to the original method, in particular on small bundles

    Il modello lineare di Stark del sistema di controllo pupillare

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    Lo scopo del presente elaborato è quello di analizzare il servosistema pupillare umano secondo il modello lineare proposto da L. W. Stark focalizzando in particolar modo l'attenzione sullo studio della sua stabilità in diverse condizioni operative. Nel capitolo 1, per meglio comprendere i meccanismi che regolano il controllo pupillare, viene fornita una breve spiegazione riguardo all'anatomia dell'occhio umano e alla funzione del sistema nervoso autonomo, direttamente collegato ad esso. Nel capitolo 2 viene introdotto il modello linearizzato del sistema e viene descritto l'esperimento messo in pratica per ottenere i dati da analizzare. Nel capitolo 3 viene ricavata la funzione di trasferimento del sistema e viene studiata la sua stabilità tramite i criteri di Bode e di Nyquist. Nel capitolo 4 vengono presentati ulteriori modelli del servosistema pupillare che sono stati sviluppati successivamente al lavoro di L. W. Star

    Classifyber, a robust streamline-based linear classifier for white matter bundle segmentation

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    Virtual delineation of white matter bundles in the human brain is of paramount importance for multiple applications, such as pre-surgical planning and connectomics. A substantial body of literature is related to methods that automatically segment bundles from diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) data indirectly, by exploiting either the idea of connectivity between regions or the geometry of fiber paths obtained with tractography techniques, or, directly, through the information in volumetric data. Despite the remarkable improvement in automatic segmentation methods over the years, their segmentation quality is not yet satisfactory, especially when dealing with datasets with very diverse characteristics, such as different tracking methods, bundle sizes or data quality. In this work, we propose a novel, supervised streamline-based segmentation method, called Classifyber, which combines information from atlases, connectivity patterns, and the geometry of fiber paths into a simple linear model. With a wide range of experiments on multiple datasets that span from research to clinical domains, we show that Classifyber substantially improves the quality of segmentation as compared to other state-of-the-art methods and, more importantly, that it is robust across very diverse settings. We provide an implementation of the proposed method as open source code, as well as web service